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Showing posts with the label cyber yoddha

why visiting darkweb is not too easy?

DARK WEB :       Today we will talk about Dark-Web ,   the Dark-Web is a WWW(World wide web) content that exists on the internet but we need specific software, system configurations or authorized access to see or make changes in this content. Dark-web is just a part of the internet where 90% of internet data is available right now. The Dark-Web contents are not shown by normal search engines like Google , Bing or other search engines.          The dark-web include small peer to peer and friend to friend networks, as well as large, popular networks such as Tor, Freenet etc. operated by public organizations and individuals.  Users of the dark web refer to the regular web as clean net due to its unencrypted nature. The Tor dark web or onion browsing uses the traffic anonymization technique of onion-routing in the network's top-level-domain suffix .onion REAL WORLD:  If we talk about real world scenarios with dark web it's too complex for a beginner level guy to ge

Man in the middle attack types

Types Of Man-In-The-Middle Attacks : Today internet is one of the most essential thing in our normal life and it plays a vital role in every industries. Our demand of internet is growing day by day and it is not going to stop until now.  Man in the middle attack is one of the most common cyber-attack. In this attack an attacker act as a medium between the user and the server when a user send a request to a website for a particular data it can be in any form like login credentials, bank details etc. then server send data to user but when a person is interacting between user & server he/she can see all data. So today i will tell you how an attacker can perform a man in the middle attack ,so just read this blog careful................... 1⃣ IP spoofing:   Every device capable of connecting to the web has an online protocol (IP) address, which is analogous to the road address for your home.  By spoofing an IP address, an attacker can trick you into thinking you’re interacting with an