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How to become a successful hacker

The whole world is going to transform in Internet and internet related things, & still privacy is one of the most issued topic in market till now. So basically market needs a perfect hacker.

As we all know nothing is safe on internet millions TB of data is also growing on internet day by day but along with this the efficient Cyber Security Experts (WHITE HAT HACKERS) counts are very few. So the market needs perfect Cyber Security Specialist to make company data safe from any unauthorized access and to be ready for any cyber attack, so demand are too increasing day by day.

       If we talk about Hackers then we both know that hackers are also growing in the world day by day as we all know, it does not matter here what kind of hackers because where is god, devil is also there. And if we talk clearly then we know that Black Hat & White Hat both growing day by day.

So if you want to become a successful hacker you should apply at least these points in you=====>>>

  • Try to understand things deeply, observe the each steps in any kind of processing or even in any kind of case. Because the more you think, more you will develop your mind.


  • Become a creative person, try to do same things, or try to solve a problem with different different methods & techniques it will  make you perfect in every methods.


  • Try to be more practically, as i told in 1st point, observe every steps of any processing, if you are learning or observing 30% then you need to do 70% practical, because without practical you can lose your understanding power. Along side you need to do lot of practice for practice you can go to any testing website or you can host you machines on your local-host.  
  • Try to solve puzzles & mathematics problems as fast as you can it will help you to stand in pressure, because pressure is a common  kind of situation in cyber security field.


  • You need to be more consistent on a topic.


  • Reading books can make your mindset awesome, i am not talking about any syllabus book i am talking about general kind of books like "The Miracle Morning" "The meaning of Life" and many more. It will change your life.


  • Try to talk to yourself. Generally people take it as a joke but trust me it is one of the most powerful way to built confident in yourself, because when you talk to yourself you are everything (a Listener and speaker), and nobody laughs at you


  • This one is my favorite "when an old person is talking to you please listen them carefully" because when  you listen them carefully you can get a point which can change your life. I know some people will say that an old person experiences are very far from our experiences and i agree with this but still believe me your time will not get wasted.


  • Last but not least NEVER STOP LEARNING !!, Learning is very important if you really want to become a successful person i am not talking about only a hacker i am talking about a particular person. Even you should learn from each things which is surrounding you. For example i learned patience from a lizard, when you see a lizard they just simply sitting even they can still here for hours & hours but when a insects come near them they caught them very fast.

