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Some useful shortcuts of Libre Office Writer

  • Ctrl+A  Select All
  • Ctrl+J   Justify
  • Ctrl+D Double Underline
  • Ctrl+E Centered
  • Ctrl+F Find and Replace
  • Ctrl+Shift+P Superscript
  • Ctrl+L Align Left
  • Ctrl+R Align Right
  • Ctrl+Shift+B Subscript
  • Ctrl+Y Redo last action
  • Ctrl+0 (zero) Apply Default   paragraph style
  • Ctrl+1 Apply Heading 1 paragraph style
  • Ctrl+2 Apply Heading 2 paragraph style
  • Ctrl+3 Apply Heading 3 paragraph style
  • Ctrl+5 1.5 Line Spacing
  • Ctrl+ Plus Key(+) Calculates the selected text and copies the result to the clipboard.
  • Ctrl+Hyphen(-) Custom hyphens; hyphenation set by you.
  • Ctrl+Shift+minus sign (-) Non-breaking dash (is not used for hyphenation)
  • Ctrl+multiplication sign * (only on number pad) Run macro field
  • Ctrl+Shift+Space Non-breaking spaces. Non-breaking spaces are not used for hyphenation and are not expanded if the text is justified.
  • Shift+Enter Line break without paragraph change
  • Ctrl+Enter Manual page break
  • Ctrl+Shift+Enter Column break in multicolumnar texts
  • Alt+Enter Inserting a new paragraph without numbering
  • Alt+Enter Inserting a new paragraph directly before or after a section or a table.
  • Arrow Left Move cursor to left
  • Shift+Arrow Left Move cursor with selection to the left
  • Ctrl+Arrow Left Go to beginning of word
  • Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Left Selecting to the left word by word 
  • Arrow Right Move cursor to right 
  • Shift+Arrow Right Move cursor with selection to the right 
  • Ctrl+Arrow Right Go to start of next word 
  • Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Right Selecting to the right word by word 
  • Arrow Up Move cursor up one line 
  • Shift+Arrow Up Selecting lines in an upwards direction 
  • Ctrl+Arrow Up Move cursor to beginning of the previous paragraph
  • Shift+Ctrl+Arrow Up Select to beginning of paragraph. Next keystroke extends selection to beginning of previous paragraph 
  • Arrow Down Move cursor down one line 
  • Shift+Arrow Down Selecting lines in a downward direction 
  • Ctrl+Arrow Down Move cursor to beginning of next paragraph.
  • Shift+Ctrl+Arrow Down Select to end of paragraph. Next keystroke extends selection to end of next paragraph Home Go to beginning of line
  • Shift+Home Go and select to the beginning of a line 
  • End Go to end of line
  • Shift+End Go and select to end of line
  • Ctrl+Home Go to start of document
  • Ctrl+Shift+Home Go and select text to start of document
  • Ctrl+End Go to end of document
  • Ctrl+Shift+End Go and select text to end of document
  • Ctrl+PageUp Switch cursor between text and header
  • Ctrl+PageDown Switch cursor between text and footer Insert Insert mode on/off PageUp Screen page up
  • Shift+PageUp Move up screen page with selection PageDown Move down screen page
  • Shift+PageDown Move down screen page with selection
  • Ctrl+Del Delete text to end of word
  • Ctrl+Backspace Delete text to beginning of word In a list: delete an empty paragraph in front of the current paragraph
  • Ctrl+Shift+Del Delete text to end of sentence
  • Ctrl+Shift+Backspace Delete text to beginning of sentence


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