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A Digital Computer

 A digital computer is a digital system that performs various computational tasks. The word "Digital" implies that the information in the computer is represented by variables that take a limited number of discrete values. These values are processed internally by components that can maintain a limited number of discrete states. These discrete values are taken by the decimal digits 0 to 9.

 The first electronic digital systems was developed at 1940s late, it was primarily only used for some numerical computations.

 As we all know a digital computer uses binary number system & it can only understand a binary number. And a binary number has only 2 digits 0 & 1. Let me tell you one more interesting thing is that a binary digit is called "bit" here. That means if we use 0 it means its a bit, and vise versa.

 In a digital computer all information is only represented in group of bits. After using various programming techniques & some algorithms, these group of bits can be made to represent not only binary digits but also different-different kinds of symbols such as Alphabets ,decimal digits etc.

 A group of bits called instructions, when we see a program or any kind of activity is running on a computer that means, there are lot of instructions in back-end who are doing that job. 

 That means all the time a computer hardware & software communicates each others in only binary language and we thought it is too easy to use a computer. Actually when we using a program or a computer it firstly compile or assemble the software code to machine language and we know machine language is binary, so when this machine got these group of instructions then it communicates with their all components of this machine & then it tells that what hardware should go where, to show what user want.

But actually what is going on back end of that computer is very interesting in a computer. Very few peoples wants to know that kind of thing, because sometimes it is very complicated to understand these things.


  • Any digital circuit can be constructed by using switching circuits, because the switching circuit has only two values 0 or 1
  • Special digital devices can be used to store digital data & can hold these data as long as necessary.
  • The fluctuation in voltage or unwanted voltage are not a critical issue for a digital system.


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