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Know Operating Systems (Briefly)


    Today's lot of operating systems have arrived in the marketplace, but some OS gets failed because of their specifications or trends. Let me tell you what is an Operating System in short "an operating system is just a system software which help us to communicate with a machine using graphical or command line interface."

    That's means when someone using his/her smartphone or computer or any type of device that's sure this device has an operating system and there is a proper way to use this device. Every Operating system has its own way or type of using it. 
An OS is also making a vital role in the device because there are lot of things in a device which depends on the OS like bluetooth-connectivity, wireless-connections, display and many more things.


Basically an OS is a system software so it contains all information about the hardware of this device. 
Now it will use this information so it being used and according to hardware resources information it will utilize the power of the device hardware and puts everything in front of user. 
Then user configure all settings of hardware using some system software.
And when user runs an application software it works perfectly and with using the perfect hardware combinations.
Actually the working of an operating system is too much complex in programming scenarios, if you have some programming knowledge you can understand how complex it can be, but if you don't have enough programming knowledge and you want to know about software i recommend you to go with the C programming first.
I explained you everything in short and tried to make this blog as possibly it can short. So that's it!


These are some examples of Operating systems which are as follows :

1)- DoS (Disk Operating systems)

2)- Windows Operating Systems

3)- Linux Based Operating Systems

4)- IOS (Apple OS)

5)- Android OS

Thanks for reading this blog !!!!!!!!!!!!


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Types of operating systems

Today there are lot of operating systems in the internet but actually they are only based on these main operating systems. What we see on internet is that windows is an OS, Linux is an OS but actually it is not really true. These are true only in simple understanding but when we explore computers more then we see there are lot of types of operating systems available in the market. These are written below...... Batch Operating System Multi-programming OS. Time-sharing or multitasking operating systems Distributed operating System Network operating System Real Time operating System Hard real--time systems Soft real--time systems Batch operating system: These operating system can not interact directly with the computer. Batch processing is a technique in which an Operating System collects the programs and data together in a batch before processing starts.   Multi-programming OS: These type of OS are able to run multiple jobs simultaneously in the memory. For it, memory is considered as a