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Programing Langauges HLL vs LLL

High Level Languages:

    High level languages are abbreviated as HLL, these languages are too much similar to human language. These are more programmer friendly languages easy to code, debug and maintain. Actually they don't interact with the hardware , rather they focuses more on the complex arithmetic operations, optimal program efficiency and easiness in coding.

    High level language requires a compilers or an interpreters to translate source code written in high level language to machine language. We can compile the source code written in HLL to multiple languages. Thus they are machine independent language.

Advantages of HLL:

  • It provides higher level of abstraction from machine languages.
  • It is machine independent languages.
  • Less error prone, easy to find debug errors.
  • They provides the better programming productivity.

Disadvantages of HLL: 

  • Its take additional time to translate its code to machine code.
  • HLL programmer are much slower than the Low Level Language Programmer(LLL)
  • Compared to LLL they are less efficient in time & space complexity.
  • These languages can not communicate with the hardware

Low Level Languages:

Low Level Languages are very close to machine level instruction sets. A low level languages can directly interact with the registers & memory of a device. Since Instructions are written in low level languages so LLL are machine dependent and these are not portable.

 These languages are not requires any compilers or interpreter to convert their language, because they use an assembler to translate their code from LLL to machine level language.

As we all know computer understand only binary numbers so we can say it is the language of a computer and this assembler basically convert a LLL code to binary code to make understandable by a computer.

These languages are very efficient in space & time complexity. These are mostly used to develop the Operating Systems, device drivers, databases etc.

Advantages of LLL:

  • First advantage is we all know that its programs are too much memory & time efficient.
  • They do not need any compiler or interpreter so that's the way we got time complexity.
  • LLL provides direct maiupulations with registers & storage.
  • LLL can directly communicates with the hardware.

Disadvantages of LLL:

  • Its very difficult to develop, debug and maintain a LLL program.
  • LLL programs are more errors prone.
  • LLL usually results in poor programming productivity.
  • Programs developed using LLL are machine dependent & are not portable.


 So conclusion is that if you are totally new in programming field i will suggest you to just go with HLL, because when you start learning with these languages you got a extra level motivation to go ahead & whenever you complete the HLL then if you really want to go more deep the go with them.
There is also a middle level language, we will talk on this after some time.............................

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