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Types of Softwares

Software generally categorized into two types, which are as follows :

  1. System Softwares

  2. Application Softwares.    

 System Softwares:

    A system software is a set of programs which is designed to control different-different operations and more extend processing capabilities of a computer system. It can perform these functions one or more depending on program requirements on a given task.

  • Supports the development of other application software.
  • Supports the execution of other application software.
  • Handles the effective & efficient use of various hardware resources, such as CPU, memory peripherals etc. 
  • Controls and communicate with the operation of peripheral devices such as printer disk, tape etc.

    And system software makes the operation of a computer system more effective and efficient as we can see in its functions. It help the hardware components work together. These programme which are included in a system software package are called system programmes, and the programmers who prepare system software are referred to as system programmers. The most commonly known examples of system software are.............................

  1. Operating System: Every computer has an operating system software, which takes care of the effective and efficient utilization of all the hardware and software components of the computer system.
  2. Programming Language Translators: Programming language translators or we can say compilers or interpreters are also a system software, which transform the instructions prepared by programmers in a programming language in to the form which can be understand and executed by a computer system.
  3. Communication Software: In a network environment (where multiple computers are inter-connected together by communication
    network topologies). These software enables transfer of data and programms from one computer system to another over a network.
  4. Utility Programmes: Utility programmes are also set of some programs or it can be a single program, which help users in system maintenance tasks and in performing tasks of routine nature. These are some of the tasks which are commonly performed by utility programmes include formatting of hard disks or floppy disks, taking backup of files, stored on hard disk on to a tape or floppy disk, sorting of the files and data stored in a file a particular order based on some key field(s), etc.

    These programs are generally written in low level or middle level languages  like C, Ada, Nim etc. Here lot of functions and lot of classes used to develop each work processing these programs having lot of exception handlers to handle as possible as problems.They use lot of complex data structures to make a simple prorgram.

    Application Softwares continued....................................


  1. can you make some blogs on networking concepts?


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