Task 0: Download the necessary files : gsutil cp gs://spls/gsp335/gsp335.zip . unzip gsp335.zip Task - 1: Setup cluster gcloud container clusters create <cluster-name> \ --zone us-central1-c \ --machine-type n1-standard-4 \ --num-nodes 2 \ --enable-network-policy gcloud sql instances create <your-sql-instance-name> --region us-central1 Task - 2: Setup wordpress: Create database - wordpress Go to the SQL -> open the created instance (wordpress-db-387) -> then database -> Create database Database name :wordpress Create -> users-> add user Account User name: wordpress Add Add user - wordpress (no password) Service account gcloud iam service-accounts create <your-service-account- credentials> gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID \ --member="serviceAccount:< your-service-account- credentials>@$ DEVSHELL_ PROJECT_ID.i...