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Solution | Secure Workloads in Google Kubernetes Engine: Challenge Lab | 2022


Task 0: Download the necessary files: 

gsutil cp gs://spls/gsp335/ .


Task - 1: Setup cluster

gcloud container clusters create <cluster-name> \
   --zone us-central1-c \
   --machine-type n1-standard-4 \
   --num-nodes 2 \

gcloud sql instances create <your-sql-instance-name> --region us-central1

Task - 2: Setup wordpress:

  • Create database - wordpress

Go to the SQL -> open the  created instance (wordpress-db-387) -> then database -> Create database 
Database name :wordpress

-> users-> add user Account
User name: wordpress

  • Add user - wordpress (no password)

  • Service account

gcloud iam service-accounts create <your-service-account-credentials>

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID \
   --member="serviceAccount:<your-service-account-credentials>@$" \

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json --iam-account=<your-service-account-credentials>@$

kubectl create secret generic cloudsql-instance-credentials --from-file key.json

kubectl create secret generic cloudsql-db-credentials \
   --from-literal username=wordpress \
   --from-literal password=''

  • Remember the passowrd you set-up above as you'll need it later.

  • Create the WordPress deployment and service

kubectl create -f volume.yaml

  • Go to the overview page of your Cloud SQL instance, and copy the Connection name.

  • Open wordpress.yaml with your any editor, and replace INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME (in line 61) with the Connection name of your Cloud SQL instance and Save the file changes.

kubectl apply -f wordpress.yaml

Task - 3: Setup Ingress with TLS:

helm version

helm repo add stable
helm repo update

  • If your environment does not install with Helm

curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700

  • Now, you can continue:

helm install nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress --set rbac.create=true

kubectl get service nginx-ingress-controller


kubectl apply -f

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
   --clusterrole=cluster-admin \
   --user=$(gcloud config get-value core/account)

  • Edit issuer.yaml and set the email address Save the file changes and run

kubectl apply -f issuer.yaml

kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

Task - 4: Set up Network Policy:

  • Goto editor and in network-policy.yaml add it at the end

kind: NetworkPolicy
   name: allow-nginx-access-to-internet
          app: nginx-ingress
 - Ingress
 - {}

  • Then run below command in cloud shell 

kubectl apply -f network-policy.yaml

Task - 5: Setup Binary Authorization:

  • Goto Cloud Console -> Security -> Binary Authorization.

  • Enable the Binary Authorization API.

  • On Binary Authorization page, click Edit POLICY.

  • Select Disallow all images for the Default rule.

  • Scroll down to Custom exemption rules, click ADD Add Image Pattern then paste the below image path in New image pattern


  • Repeat the above two steps to add the following image paths




  • Click SAVE POLICY.

  • Navigate to Kubernetes Engine -> Clusters.

  • Click your cluster name to view its detail page.

  • Edit Binary authorization and Enable Binary Authorization then SAVE CHANGES.

Task - 6: Setup Pod Security Policy:

  • Editing for psp-restrictive.yaml is shown through the script editor. 

  • replace appVersion: extensions/v1beta1 with policy/v1beta1

  • Save the changes & apply the config through kubectl.

kubectl apply -f psp-role.yaml

kubectl apply -f psp-use.yaml
kubectl apply -f psp-restrictive.yaml

Thanks for reading this blog!!!
